1.4 R sport cam shafts

  • V300 register
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07-12-2015 15:47 #633890 door V300 register
1.4 R sport cam shafts is gemaakt door V300 register
Is there any information on the R sport cams for the 1.4? Information for the redblock engines is easy to find but I could not see anything for the 1.4

I have a R sport cam for the 1.4 but no idea what the spec might be like so not sure what to do with it as yet. We be good to know what was available and how this one compares

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  • Laszlo Mogyorossy
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07-12-2015 22:37 #959582 door Laszlo Mogyorossy
Beantwoord door Laszlo Mogyorossy in topic 1.4 R sport cam shafts
The only relevant information I could find today is the Volvo part number from the camshaft : 1156551-2.
The so called GT kit basically consist of just three units : camshaft, Sebring exhaust system, and thermostatically controlled electrical fan .
These R-Sport kit for the 1.4 is also used bij Oettinger for there 1.6 version, an 1.4 with longer stroke and new crankshaft (around 1980) :
Perhaps that Oettinger can provide you with the spec's for the camshaft.
The basic tune up data is the same as for the normal 1.4

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  • V300 register
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08-12-2015 16:07 #959586 door V300 register
Beantwoord door V300 register in topic 1.4 R sport cam shafts
I have found the refernace to the cam in the R sport documents but it does nothing to help identify the cam. It is stamped with F710, the box has no part number to confirm if it matches or otherwise

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